The Scrum Master Self-Learning Track is right for you if you:
- Are interested in starting or continuing your career as a Scrum Master;
- Benefit better from an online and self-paced learning environment than a classroom setting;
- Already a Scrum Master, Agile/Scrum Coach or consultant, looking for answers on what mature Scrum can look like and how you can improve its application in your team;
- Want to take a shot at the PSM I exam and be well prepared for it.
You do not need to have completed any entry-level training to successfully participate in this Self-Learning Track. If you are a Product Owner in a Scrum Team, the Product Owner Self-Learning Track may be of interest to you. If you want to make sure you have the right prior knowledge or are unsure which training is most suitable for you, please feel free to contact us.
- Help Scrum Teams deliver value to their organizations;
- Understand the theory and principles behind Scrum and empiricism;
- Understand how each part of the Scrum framework connects to the principles and theory;
- Understand uncertainty and complexity in the delivery of products, services and solutions;
- Understand the meaning and importance of the Scrum Values;
- Applying the Scrum Values in practice;
- Find out what Done means and why transparency is crucial in this process;
- Know how to use the Product Backlog to plan flexibly;
- Understand the importance of self-directed teams, the interpersonal skills required and the role of Scrum Master;
- Get tools to better facilitate as a Scrum Master;
- Clarify the leadership role a Scrum Master plays on the team;
- Learn the skills, traits and behavioral changes needed to be a Scrum Master;
- A nice foray into Kanban and what this can mean for you as a Scrum Master.
You will receive not only a five-star experience from us during the Self-Learning Track, but also help to become (even) better in your role. This means concretely:
- One-year access to the online learning environment: Your source of information for everything related to the Self-Learning Track;
- Four interactive E-Learnings on this Self-Learning Track covering Scrum, Agile, the Scrum Master and Kanban;
- A maturity assessment on your role, at the start of the Self-Learning Track and three months after to devise learning objectives and measure learning impact;
- Two practical assignments that are reviewed by a professional Self-Learning Track guide and provided with feedback;
- Preparation materials for the PSM I exam in the learning environment: Blog posts, videos and other recommendations;
- Code and instructions for the PSM I exam.
As part of the track, you will be sent an exam code from for the PSM I Exam. You will receive this code as part of the Self-Learning Track. The exam can be taken online at any time. Please note that the exam code is valid only once. If you take the exam and unfortunately do not obtain the 85% required to pass, then resits are at your own expense. A new exam code must be requested from The exam is in English. Therefore, the Self-Learning Track is also in English.
You can register directly using the registration form below. The cost per participant is € 750,- including everything named under the heading What Do I Get? on this page. Still have questions? Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page. Is it not listed here? Then contact us directly.
This amount is exempt from sales tax under Article 11-1-o Sales Tax Act 1968.
Are you already certified Professional Scrum Master I (or similar) and ready for the next step? We offer the Professional Scrum Master II training. Register and get your PSM II certification.